"According to the saying of an ancient philosopher, one should eat to live and not live to eat." - L'Avare-Moliere (1622-1673) French Playwright

Adopting the Human Diet is essential to Health and Happiness. It is based on the anatomical and physiological structure of the human organism.

It is a Plant Based Diet that includes:

Fresh Juicy Fruits – 50% of the diet – locally grown and in season are best.

Vegetables – 35% of the diet – Include all 3 types - Root, Leaf and Fruit variety.

Starches – 10-15% of the diet - Unprocessed grains, potatoes, banana, beans, and legumes - cooked conservatively.

Proteins – 5-10% of the diet – choose from oily and dried fruits, nuts, seeds, simple cheeses (we recommend goats cheese from unprocessed raw goats milk) tahini, carob, unrefined maple syrup and honey.

Condiments - these include small amounts of: cold pressed oils, aromatic fresh herbs, nut creams and butters (nut butter, coconut, peanut, sesame seed & avocados)
These foods are often used to make dressings for fruit & vegetable salads, sandwiches, desserts, and vegetable accompaniments.

A few tips on eating

  • Eat only when you are hungry
  • Consume enough to satisfy your hunger without overeating.
  • Chew your food well before swallowing.
  • Allow 5-6 hours in between meals for thorough digestion.
  • Do not eat foods that you do not like.
  • Eat only when you are well rested and relaxed.
  • Eat that which is locally grown and in season whenever possible.

Recommended Reading for further education on Human Dietary Needs and Nutrition.

A Lifestyle for Health & Happiness - Kevin & Katy Hinton
Natural Foods - Kenneth S. Jaffrey
Vital Facts About Foods - Otto Carque