Kevin Hinton
M.A. N.D.
& Katy Hinton
We believe that it is natural to be healthy and that to remain in a state of health we must live within an environment that provides the essential ingredients for health and happiness.
This unique philosophy is not new. The practice of Natural Living and Natural Healing, known as Nature Cure, has a modern history spanning the globe for over 200 years and we are guided in our actions by the scientific principles that govern all life on earth.
Kenneth S. Jaffrey
1909 - 1998
“Every biological organism on earth, which of course includes man, has the qualities of self-reproduction, self-regulation and self-repair.” Text will come hereText will come hereText will come hereText will come hereText will come hereText will come hereText will come hereText will come here
Edmond Bourdeaux Szekely
"In every spare minute I read from Cosmos Man and Society until I could almost recite it by heart.almost recite it by heart. When I was ready, I fasted for 49 days. (Editors Note: Read as - ‘When I raised my vitality and my body initiated a fever and went into a healing cycle) On the concluding day of my fast I KNEW that my cure was complete.The experience was so thrilling and my recovery so dramatic that I vowed that I would devote the rest of my life to the promotion of natural living and natural healing. At that time Professor Szekely called his system Cosmotherapy.
Vincent Priessnitz
1799 - 1852
Regarded as the founder of Nature Cure.
Priessnitz operated a sanatorium at Gräfenberg in Hungary during the middle of the 1800s where he taught the principles of Natural Living and Healing.