Nature Cure is a name given to a philosophy of living and healing.

It is not limited to the human species only – it is a valid description of the principles that govern all organic life on this planet.

All animals – except the human – live in accordance with said principles – barring accident or environmental events – while humans rarely act in accordance with principles.

Therefore, we see a definition of Nature Cure as an educational process – one of re-learning that which is innate to us in matters of Natural Living and Natural Healing.

We will make changes towards health or away from it by our choices in lifestyle and healing. This process requires a new outlook a new mentality a rebuilding of tissues at the cellular level including physical, chemically and mentally.

Nature Cure is for you and you alone. It is a process of learning about self, INCS is here to assist you in achieving your full health potential, via the courses and library material offered. You have a choice of what information you wish to consume relevant to your understanding.

All the erudite thinkers who pioneered the philosophy and practices of Nature Cure concluded that health is the logical and inevitable result of a way of life lived in conformity with natural law.

They determined that the human body is designed to function in accordance with specific laws and principles – as does all organic life on this planet.

They recognised that for a state of health to be achieved and maintained there were certain essential biological requirements to be met and that when these conditions are met - then good health occurs as a perfectly natural outcome.

What is Nature Cure about?

Nature Cure is founded in simple scientific principles - the philosophy and practice of living and healing that is in accordance with nature's natural rhythms and laws. 

We believe that it is natural to be healthy and that to remain in a state of health we must live within an environment that provides the essential ingredients for health and happiness. 

This unique philosophy is not new. The practice of Natural Living and Natural Healing, known as Nature Cure, has a modern history spanning the globe for over 200 years and we are guided in our actions by the scientific principles that govern all life on earth.

Kevin & Katy Hinton 2014

What sets Nature Cure apart?

There are only two systems of health treatment that are currently in use today.

  1. Allopathic Medicine – which treats the symptoms (effects) of disease while the causes remain in effect. The treatments on offer range from herbs, pills, potions, lotions to radiation therapy and all manner of invasive surgeries. You subjugate your health to another, no responsibility.
  2. Nature Cure – on the other hand educates you the individual with the simple scientific principles that gives rise to the causes of health. INCS assists you through a relearning process of taking responsibility for your own health.

1928 - Herbert Shelton: “Medical schools existed to train the student in a knowledge of disease and cures. Even today no school exists that has as its purpose the teaching of the conditions and requirements of health.”

1960 Kenneth S. Jaffrey: "The only schools that do teach anything like that are the osteopathic, chiropractic and naturopathic colleges. No university in the world teaches health".