International Nature Cure Society

( Private Member Association )
 An educational organisation dedicated to preserving, maintaining and teaching the simple scientific truths of health maintenance and restoration.”

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‘Correct application of each element will improve health, but it is when all elements are applied that the full force of Nature is felt’

Kenneth S. Jaffrey ND DC 

What is Nature Cure ?

Nature Cure is the scientific philosophy that holds the key to the vitality and  longevity that we all seek. Also known as Pure Naturopathy, Nature Cure teaches how to be healthy by living healthfully and how to regain your health when you are unwell. No gimmicks, no fads, no prescriptions…just factual, time proven education. The what’s, the why’s and the how to’s of health. 

“It’s Natural to be Healthy"

Kenneth S. Jaffrey ND DC

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About Us - INCS

A membership supported association, educating people around the world.

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Why a Nature Life Style?

To be healthy you must live healthfully balanced lifestyle.

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History...The Giants Upon Which We Stand

Confidence, Born of Knowledge, Based on the Truth.

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For individual health diagnosis and targeted health restoration plans.

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Nature Cure Shop~Merchandise 

Everything and anything related to health: books, videos, audio downloads 

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Want to know more – The Natural Health Library 

 The extensive published works of the great practitioners from around the world

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"A Lifestyle for Health & Happiness"

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